Canada’s green future

Meeting the global economy is moving toward a greener future and Canada is working to keep pace. Natural Resources Canada wants to increase the creation and adoption of clean technologies in key sectors of the Canadian economy: energy, mining and forestry.

You are probably already using clean technology in your day-to-day life. For example, programmable thermostats that maximize efficiency and off-peak energy usage are saving Canadians money on their heating bills, while helping to prevent carbon emissions. Similarly, Canadian industries will benefit from adopting more clean tech.

Clean growth program

Looking for funding for your company's clean tech idea? Start here.

Green jobs

Do you want to be an intern or hire an intern to work in science, technology, engineering and math? Find out how to apply now.

Clean energy and electricity infrastructure

Find out how NRCan is working with industry and provinces to support new, clean electricity generation and transmission.

Mission innovation

Canada is proud to be a partner in this ambitious global initiative.

Breakthrough energy solutions Canada

In partnership with Breakthrough Energy, this call for proposals will leverage financing and expertise to support the advancement of Canadian clean energy technologies that can significantly reduce GHG emissions.

International negotiations

Canada's forests play a major role in the global carbon cycle meaning they are a part of international efforts to address climate change. 

Generation Energy

Find out what we heard during Generation Energy and how we're taking action towards Canada’s low-carbon energy future.